Gettysburg National Military Park

We all know about the Battle of Gettysburg on some level.  We learned about it in school, we’ve read the books and watched the movies.  I did my research and realized that this is a big national park with a lot to learn, see, and do.  Porter has been to Gettysburg before, so I left early and stayed late while she worked.


I started off at the visitor center at the Gettysburg National Military Park, picked up a self guided CD tour book, and headed out. There are several miles of road that lead you around the battlefield with many stops along the way.  The first tour of the battlefield took me at least two hours.  As you drive along you see where each state was positioned and where the soldiers  fought and died.  You see where Michigan, Texas, Maine, North Carolina, and New Hampshire men died.  These are states that I love and states that have been my home.  The reality of brother fighting brother and the incredible loss of life.  When you see the fields and listen to the stories you can almost still hear the canons and see the thousands of dead.


After my first tour, I went back to visit and photograph some of the most interesting places.  Needless to say is was a powerful visit and one I will not soon forget.  Put it on your list and give it the time and reflection that it deserves. You’ll be glad you did.  -Bill

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